Akiya: a student project
It is always enlightening to get a peek into what the next generation of game developers will build with our technology. This is why we were happy to recently provide a free CRIWARE license to a team of students from CNAM-ENJMIN in France.
Located in Angoulême – a city famous for its international comics festival – CNAM-ENJMIN forms students to the creation of video games and other interactive media. As part of the cursus, teams composed of students coming from various disciplines work on full game projects, exactly like they would in the game industry.
The Akiya team is developing a game in which Kuro the cat explores an abandoned house. You can learn more about the game concept below.

Music: Simon Gigant, Valentin Di Domenico
Sound Design: Terry Perez Gervais
Game Art: Julen Laborde, Magali Lefort
Game Design: Alexandre Charvin, Julen Laborde
Programming: Guilhem Pech, Marion Saouter, Simon Gigant
Management: Alexandre Charvin, Lucas Belarouci, Magali Lefort
We are looking forward to discovering the game – which should be released in June 2020 – and seeing how the team leveraged the interactive audio features of ADX2 to make the experience more immersive!
You can check the team’s progress on the Twitter account of the game: https://twitter.com/GameAkiya